Finding Your Focus, Discovering your Path…

Life coaching is a creative collaborative to help you achieve your goals.  A way to dig beneath the surface to discover what’s possible.  

Need Help deciding which type of coaching is best for you?

There are different ways you can step into a coaching relationship.  Remember it is a collaboration.  Is this coaching for you or you and your partner/spouse?  Do you work better one on one?  Perhaps in a group?

Kimberly, you have given me such amazing insight. I have literally have taken everything you have taught me and implemented it into my life. I have become a better person, I have learned not to waste my time worrying about things that won’t ultimately matter. I am so grateful for all you have shown me, taught me and I can’t thank you enough.  

Beth K.

Types of Coaching

Finding your Focus!

One on One

Transformation & Confidence

Break FREE from what holds you back, whether it’s limiting beliefs, your past or fear, and take your power back!

Expect a change, and LOVE the TRANSFORMATION!


Somewhere along the line, you realized that you are feeling/falling out of love. The desire is gone, the passion for each other has turned into a passion for other things. Your desire for each other has dwindled, and intimacy has suffered.  


Group coaching allows you to collaborate on a larger level, sharing ideas and gaining inspiration, while growing together.

Unlock Your Full Potential!

Energy. Intuition. Expansion

Learn to tap into the power of you… yes, YOU!

Discover what is holding you back, past trauma?

Limiting beliefs? Don’t know?

Why Coaching


Understand your true power and potential

Break through the glass ceiling!


Release what no longer serves you.


Aligning yourself for success.

Uplevel you, your business and your mindset.

Inspiration & Motivation


What People Are Saying

I have always started things with enthusiasm and optimism but left with suffering, anguish and overwhelm when trying to achieve goals. You have given me tools to succeed without feeling empty first or grief. You have shown me such a positive influence, I feel guided in such a way that has empowered me. I no longer stumble and fall, I learn in grace.

Helen B.

Kimberly Anderson is a gifted intuitive, it has been a joy and an honor working with her as she has so much wisdom and insight to share. Because of her high level of accuracy, compassion, and integrity. I highly recommend her work!.”

Anne D.

Intuitive Life Coach

Kimberly has more integrity and tenacity than most people I have ever met.  She is capable of bringing such meaning into your life.  Her word is her word, and she encourages you by being your biggest cheerleader.  She empowers you when you didn’t even realize you were wavering.  Kimberly’s dedication to your inner health and your success is evident in how she helps you and helps you to see the bigger picture and she approaches your issues without judgment.

Marie T.

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